Thursday, February 17, 2022

Matt Tuerk and Deviant Child Abuser Brian Sims

You might have seen child abuser State Rep. Brian Sims (pictured) 

in the Morning Call put on a show of shrieking hysterics worthy of Joan Crawford, spewing outrage at military man and all around normal guy Doug Mastriano. You probably chalked it up to the simple fact that crazy lefties have crazy little fits.

Did you know, though, that Beta male Matt Tuerk took deviant child abuser Brian Sims door-to-door throughout Allentown to the homes of unsuspecting parents who would never have knowingly allowed a degenerate like Sims anywhere near their children? Geez, people who wanted to see a freak show like that used to have to pay a dollar and go into a tent at the Allentown Fair, for G-d's sake, but it didn't come to their door uninvited.

Whether it's palling around with child abuser Sims or with convicted felon dope dealer Convict Hasshan Batts, Matt Tuerk has some really peculiar relationships that should make decent, upstanding Allentown families very uncomfortable.

More on Matt Tuerk's special pal child abuser Brian Sims at: and

Be sure not to allow Matt Tuerk and the degenerates of "Team Tuerk" anywhere near your family...

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Matt Tuerk's Contractor First Policy

Not understanding leadership -- having never led a large, consumer-facing organization -- Matt Tuerk has decided to lay down the law to Allentown's net taxpayers over trash.

A quick look at the City of Allentown Facebook page shows a great many of Tuerk's net taxpayer employers aren't happy about that.

To anyone who has run a customer-centric organization and held responsibility for profit and loss, had to make payroll, pay dividends, and compete in an open market, the leadership response here is clear: tell the current trash hauling contractor to do as they're told or fire them and find one that will. Tuerk, alas, is bucking for Waste Management Employee of the Month rather than acting as Allentown's Mayor. We see here the burgeoning conversion to Detroit-style city management.

To a city like Allentown in dire fiscal condition and drowning in dependent class dysfunction and crime, placating garbage men would never be high on any capable senior leader's agenda.

It would seem the appropriate response is for Tuerk's net taxpayer employers to say to him, "No. We'll just keep doing it as we've been doing it. And don't even *think* of trying to fine us." This masked, tatooed little fellow is not to be taken seriously. As our patriot trucker friends to the North are so clearly demonstrating, non-compliance can be *very* effective.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Matt Tuerk's Racist Language Inequity

Why is Matt Tuerk proving so very incapable of even trivial leadership and innovation?

Pandering racist Matt Tuerk is yet again excluding all of Allentown's English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) taxpayers *except* for the Spanish speaking community. Tuerk's xenophobic bigotry is morally reprehensible, and the community at large should broadly condemn him for it.

If Matt Tuerk were in any way a leader capable of any innovation whatsoever, how would he solve this problem -- assuming, of course, that it is not his express *intent* to divisively exclude nearly all of Allentown's ESL communities? Here's how Matt Tuerk would do it if he were an innovative, inclusive leader...

Google provides translation services for scores of languages free of charge. These services can be accessed by programmers (via their APIs in developer-speak). If Matt Tuerk were a leader capable of any innovation at all, he would go directly to Allentown's IT department and instruct them to write a program that does the following:

1) Take as input a simple text list of all languages spoken in Allentown according to the census and similar documents.

2) For each posting made in Allentown's official language of English, traverse every language on the list, call the corresponding translation API, and produce an output page with the translated post -- i.e. one html page per translated language.

3) Create a selection menu with a link for each language into which the post is translated and the URL of each corresponding translation page.

4) Put a "Translations" link at the bottom of each posting allowing the user to access the menu in Step 3.

5) If a language spoken in Allentown is missed, simply add it to the list in Step 1.

6) Have a script automatically run the above every time a new posting is deployed.

Any reasonably experienced developer(s) could deliver such an app in two or three person/weeks at most -- most likely considerably less.

If Matt Tuerk refuses that solution and continues translations of official Allentown communications exclusively in Spanish to the exclusion of every other ESL community, it says very bad things indeed about his leadership capabilities, his character and integrity, or both.

We net taxpayers need to start holding Matt Tuerk accountable for transparent, responsible, Good Government. This is a great place to start in preparation for closely monitoring his performance at budget time...

Join us at

Allentown Is Grossly Unfair to Taxpayers

Allentown simply doesn't work.

For far too long we've had Mayors and their cronies whose "experience" was as taxpayer-paid bureacrats, not businessmen who have had profit / loss responsibility, made payrolls, paid dividends, and in the end been net taxpayers. As a result, Allentown has become a very poor value for net taxpayers.

Worse, our taxpeyer-paid city employees have begun to lash out at taxpayers suggesting ways for former taxpayer-paid bureacrat Mayor Matt Tuerk to improve his focus and performance. That is unacceptable.

That's what we're here to talk about.

Join us today. Or contact us at

Allentown Is Grossly Unfair to Taxpayers

Allentown Is Grossly Unfair to Taxpayers

Allentown simply doesn't work. For far too long we've had Mayors and their cronies whose "experience" was as taxpayer-...